Fairy Tale Giveaway HOP

Welcome to my stop on the Fairy Tale Giveaway Hop!

This Hop looked too fun to pass up.  As part of the Hop, we blogs were given a certain challenge.  After reading through the list of options, I decided that a character interview would be something interesting and entertaining to do.

The problem was choosing who my favorite fairy tale character was.  How can I?  Finally, I opted for one who I have always enjoyed.  Not to mention she goes right along with the book I am giving away.

With no further ado... Meet Cinderella


Hello Cinderella!  How are you today?

Fine, thank you.  *looks around impatiently* Can we hurry up with this though?  I still have like, fifty things to do before my Stepmom gets home.

Of course!  You have fallen into being the housekeeper I have noticed.  Tell me, do you have a favorite chore?

Ha!  Fallen into?  More like forced.  But whatever, technicalities are lame.  No, I do not have a favorite chore.  I pretty much hate them all.  Why do you think I have trained my mice to help?  If I had a choice, I would be... *sighs*

No, don't stop.  What would you be doing if you had a choice?

Well... *leans forward* I haven't told anyone this, but I dream of opening my own shoe shop.  I need money to do that though.  My Stepmom is fully loaded, but she won't even let me go to the Ball.  I highly doubt she would provide a loan for a shoe shop.

She won't let you go to the Ball?  Have you thought of going anyway?

Of course I have.  But what can I do?  Wish that my rags magically become a ball gown and that stupid pumpkin out there sprouts wheels and a coachman?  *sighs*  Sorry, I have to cut this short.  My Stepmom should be back soon and will no doubt have more cinders for me to sweep.


Well, the interview didn't quite go as planned.  Cinderella seemed to be in quite a foul mood, but I have a feeling if she wishes hard enough, something awesome might happen soon.  What do you think?

The Giveaway: 

One lucky entrant will win a hardback of Cinder by Marissa Meyer

The Rules:  

  • Follow my blog (GFC, NetworkedBlogs, Linky or RSS... all count!)
  • Fill out the handy Rafflecopter below, and you are good to go!

Open to anywhere the Book Depository ships!
This Hop will run end May 1st.

Make sure to enter, and check out all the other blogs in this Hop!

a Rafflecopter giveaway


Jamie Manning saidā€¦
Such a cute interview! :) And I must urge everyone to enter--Cinder is a great read!
Trisha saidā€¦
hehehe, this was a fun read! I don't blame Cinders for being in a foul mood...I would be too! i hate housework ;)
Jenni Merritt saidā€¦
I am totally feeling for Cinderella in this interview. She has my sympathy ;)

And yes, Cinder is a great read! I will be posting my own review very soon!
I own Cinder..but your interview was so funny..Loved it!!!!
Diana_Dimovska saidā€¦
Would love to read this book, thanks for the interview, interesting! :)
Maritza Robinson saidā€¦
Loved the interview. Thanks for giveaway! Haven't read Cinder yet. Sounds like a great read. Can't wait.
-Maritza R
~Enamored Soul~ saidā€¦
That interview was SO charming, and so cute! Thank you for this giveaway opportunity! :D

~Hira Hasnain
Sophia Rose saidā€¦
Great post! I love the interview idea. Thanks for the opportunity to win Cinder.
Tien saidā€¦
I would love love love to win this book!

Thanks for the absolutely fantastic choice!!
Eli Yanti saidā€¦
yes, i love cinderella too :)
Aleksandra saidā€¦
Hahaha, that was funny :)

Thanks for the giveaway!
Thanks for the giveaway! Loved the interview :)

Brianne @ http://memoriesovertakingme.blogspot.com/
I would love a copy of Cinder. Thanks for the giveaway! I am participating in the hop as well (#27 ~ Fairday's Blog!) Have a great night : ) ~ Jess
Cute interview!Cinder has been on my TBR for a long time-looking forward to read it!
Thank you so much for the giveaway!

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