My mind...its mush...

Today, after waking up at 4:30 am with my two kiddos who decided it was time to start the day...and after assistant directing a three hour play rehearsal...oh, and after come home, taking care of the kiddos even more, making dinner, cleaning the kitchen...*takes deep breath* I decided to sit down and write.

And write I did!

Don't you just love it when you get that itch, and the itch turns into that little writing maniac that takes over your flailing fingers and sets the words afly?  Yeah, I wish it would happen just a smidge more.  But hey, after a busy day, I wasn't even thinking I would get out a sentence before my head smacked the desk and I gave into the call of bed.  I didn't.  Something clicked and look...

I wrote around 3,889 words this evening!

I finally got to hit a scene that I have been waiting to get to.  Its funny.  I have been antsy to finally get to it and write it.  Yet at the same time, I have been scared off my bonkers to have to write it.  Its one of those moments where you can see it oh-so clearly in your mind, but you are sooo worried to put it to paper and never do it justice.  You want the reader to see the magic, the intensity, the amazingness that you see...and fear that that will not happen.  Sadly I have let that stop me too many times in the past from even trying to pen it out.  Well, tonight I just let it flow.  Crossing fingers...I will not reread it!  I will not let myself!  Not yet...

Along those lines, today I was also able to plot in my head.  Oh yes, the evil author plotting, where we work hard to create more of our own little worlds.  I was finally able to create a backstory I have been needing BAD.

Did you know when you look up mythology behind gargoyles...there really isnt much?  People don't even know for sure why the old-day churches HAVE those statues on them.  Oh, there are some theories...but nothing definite.  Which is awesome, because it has given me tons of wiggle room to basically create my own myth.  I am pretty excited with the one that is forming in my head...

So after everything today, it is now 11:44 pm.  And my brain feels like total, absolute, happy mush.  I actually am tempted to keep writing.  But I know if I do, the words I read tomorrow will consist mainly of "garble garble garble."  I think I need to call it a night. 

I am on a writing high people.  I hope it stays...


Keary Taylor saidā€¦
WOOHOO! A very impressive number! Keep it up!

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