Fun Times at the Kick-Off Party
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(This is Stumpy, Portland's WriMo Mascot. Ain't he cute?) |
This afternoon I was able to attend Portland's Kick-Off party. My friend Kimmel was supposed to go with me, but due to a death in the family, wasn't able to make it. To be honest, I almost backed out at that point. But I figured: "Hey, I still need to get out and meet people...Stop being a wuss, dang it!" Even with that, I was still scared to get out of the car when my hubby was dropping me off. Pathetic, I know. Once I saw others trickling in though, I finally said goodbye and joined the crew.
I think roughly 90 other WriMos showed up. They said this was the largest Portland Kick-Off party yet! After chowing down on munchies we sat down and let the party commence. What is a party like with 90 writers you ask? Well...we sat around and talked about our plots of course! It may sound geeky to you was. But it was awesome. Never be ashamed to be a geek my friends. I loved hearing the other crazy plots (or, for some, the total lack of plot) from others, meeting them, and realizing that I am not alone in this craziness! We wrapped up the party with writing and swapping plot ninjas (basically a prompt put in a sealed envelope and saved to be opened and used once you get stuck. Mid-November, I am ready for you!) Then we waved goodbye and slowly disappeared back into our hidden writing worlds.
I am really hoping I am able to make it to some of the planned write-ins this coming month. Sitting down in a cozy coffee shop with fellow writers, with the simple plan to: Write. What could be better?
Oh, and one of the -other- best parts of today? As much as I loved the I was standing out on 5th, waiting for my hubby to pick me up, a black guy, clad in awesome leather, was dancing down the sidewalk. He saw me then suddenly called out: "My oh my! That is one mother-f***ing fine, hot white woman right there!" Then walked up to me, saying "Let me tell you..." Luckily, at that moment, my phone rang, and the man quickly danced off. I couldn't stop laughing.
Now then, my only problem is I cannot seem to remember the names of pretty much everyone I met. And I wish I could. Hopefully the write-ins may help that memory problem...there were some minds I wanted to tap into, but now I can't recall who they were at all. Noooo..
Here are some photos I snapped. Alas, I am in none, hence the hack of a self photo at the end. And if any fellow Portlanders are looking at this, I apologize for the blurriness. I wanted to keep the flash off, and so this is the best I got. Also...I tried to get pics of the whole group. But try as I might...I KNOW I missed people. Sad face.