Official NaNoWriMo 2010 Winner
I just plugged my writing into the validator, hit the submit button, and have no officially won NaNoWriMo 2010 with a word count of 60,127
As I loaded the winner certificate and sat back to look at it, my name plugged in with my novel title, I suddenly felt choked up and tears tried to sting my eyes. At first I felt like a complete boob. Then I realized: I earned this. I set a goal, a goal I have wanted for as long as I can remember, and I finished it. Though the novel still needs a few more chapters, mad editing and lots of TLC, I won the challenge.
And what a great day to submit it. Thanksgiving. I am so thankful for the art of writing. For the support of my husband and family and crazy friends. For this imagination that never sleeps. I cannot wait to wrap this novel up and see where it goes. Whether is remains forever in my hard drive, or manages to find its way onto cluttered bookshelves, I do not know. But one thing I do know...
*Happy dance*
"One thing life teaches you is it is unpredictable. If we wait for something to happen, and it never happens, we will just waste our lives waiting." - Jude, Prison Nation