Look! Another Pitch Contest!

I thought about waiting to enter until Monday, when I am scheduled for a post here anyway, but I just don't want to wait!  Plus, going off schedule every so often isn't a bad thing...

YAtopia is hosting another agent pitch contest!  And so of course, I just had to enter.  Us writers are all attention whores, at different levels and in our own rites.  Plus, I am proud of PN... and I am getting to that point where I do want to start sharing it with the world! *gulp*

Go check out the contest!  It will run until either midnight of the 21st or when they hit 150 entries.  I love you YAtopia, and your awesomeness... keep it up!!

Ok, back to the schedule... :)


Kay said…
Good luck, Jenni.

If you ever need help with query letter or synopsis try phoenixsullivan.blogspot.com.
She and her followers are great at making suggestions--and they are nice.
Jenni Merritt said…
Thankss Kay! I will go check her out! :)
Trisha said…
Thanks for the heads up, but I don't think my work is her cup of tea. Not anything I've written yet, at least ;)

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