Barnes & Noble Killed My Mojo
Believe it or not, in all my years of book adoring and buying, I had never once gone to Barnes & Noble. True story.
Tonight I went out with my awesome friend Kimmel. (Girl dates: A Mommy-must.) She had recently won a giftcard in a Give-Away, so a trip to the bookstore was a no-brainer! I was excited. If you don't know, I grew up on a small island in Washington state. The few bookstores there are all islander-owned, and most of the time I found my refuge in the local used book store. Oh, the hours I spent there...
Living "off-island" sure opened up new book-buying experiences to this reading fanatic. Now I am very thoroughly addicted to Powells (An Oregon-based new and used bookstore. Amazing, heavenly place.) Until today, I had never actually gone into B&N to book shop.
I set my price limit, loaded up on sushi, and in we went.
The sad thing?
Nothing grabbed me. Nothing.
Even the books that I have waiting in my TBR lists seemed dull and unreadable in the B&N light. Not to mention the fact that B&N offers no where near the amount of books in-store that Powells is always jam-packed with. It was sad! I was sad! By the end, Kimmel snagged two finds, and I walked out empty handed.
Yes, you read that right.
I did not buy a single book.
What gives?
My hubby says he blames it on the Starbucks crowd. Kimmel says there must have been something in the air. Me? I don't know what I have to say.
Maybe it was the book Gods, telling me that I need to finish my massive TBR shelf that I have here at home before I buy even more papery goodies. I don't like that message. Not one bit. Can you ever own too many books? I think not.
I cannot remember the last time that I walked out of a bookstore without at least one book in hand. I felt weird, unsettled. It was strange, and I did not like it. What's even worse? Whatever it was has now followed me home. I decided to peruse my TBR lists, maybe order a book, make up for this sadness of a book night.
And guess what. Everything is still bleh.
Someone make this go away. B&N, people out there might love you. But I am forever holding a grudge against your Nation-wide awesomeness. You put a shunt in my book buying craze.
You killed my book frenzy mojo.
I do not think I can forgive you, ever. * melodramatic sigh *
=> Here is my request for this evening of random posting:
I need books! Titles people, awesome titles.
What am I looking for right now you ask?
I need a magic fix. Fantasy. Paranormal. Retold fairy tales, greek mythology... get my drift? Please, fill my comments with suggestions.
I need you!
Andrew - Hey, being biased isn't bad at all. Aren't we all ;)
Angela @ The Bookshelf Muse