WIP Day - Sprinting Along

I am only a little late with my WIP day post.
But late is better than never, right?

Let's get these updates going!

It's going!  I am now at about 39,000 words.  I was cruising along, doing awesome, then the weekend happened and my word count kind of... stopped.  Photography, it gets in the way every time (Something I will mention in just a moment)  Still, I am right on time with everything.  I WILL hit 50k by the 31st, which just so happens to be my birthday.  How awesome, yes?

I honestly think know that the only reason I am succeeding in this summer writing fest is because of my Camp NaNoWriMo Cabin mates and my #writeshove buddies on Twitter.  To those of you reading this: thank you thank you thank you.

Oh, you know.  I am not even going to bother with that ramble.  Same old story there.  I am almost to the point of prepping for the self-publishing world.  More on that, some other time.  When I feel up to it.

TBR Stacks:
I get all giddy just looking at it
Need... more... books...
SO PRETTY!  I just had to share this photo of my most recently collected books.  In the last week or so, this is my stack of books I have added to the TBR pile (and still not including all of the books still waiting to be devoured on my book shelves.  I need another shelf already!  And much more time...)

This awesome stack contains 4 books I won from a Give Away, 2 review request copies, 1 that I bought on sale at Powells, 6 that I ordered from the B&N sale (so awesome!) and of course, my new Terry Goodkind book.  I am still waiting on one more book I won in a Give Away (waiting...), and of course hoping that my birthday will ring in even more books!

Lastly, for today at least:
I had the chance to photograph my first wedding this last weekend, hence my total lack in writing.  (Well, I was the 2nd shooter to be exact.  Which was a great way to get my first wedding experience!)

It was an outdoor wedding, on the hottest day of the summer so far in Oregon, and we were wearing all black.  Hot, you ask?  YES.  But it was amazing.  A gorgeous bride, perfect ceremony...  I actually have a post planned for later about what hobbies we love aside from writing, but for now I had to share at least one shot from that weekend that I took.  If you want to see more from this shoot, go to my facebook page here.

Oo... Pretty!

Now it is time to get back to my life. Well, as much as I ever do.  First, back to mommyhood.  Tonight I am hunting for photography props at Goodwill, then settling down to WRITE WRITE WRITE.

Camp NaNoWriMo, I WILL win!

Happy Writing!


Keary Taylor said…
You did an amazing job on the shoot! I love those pictures! And I can't wait for my own shoot on Monday!!!
Dia said…
Nice stack! ;D
Trisha said…
Gorgeous photo!! Well done Jenni. And I love those gloriously teetering TBR towers.
Jenni Merritt said…
Keary - I can't wait either!

Dia and Trisha - Isn't the stack just too pretty? :)

Lola - Awww thanks!!

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