Prison Nation, now Select

I finally came to a decision.
Ready for this?

Prison Nation is now enrolled in the KDP Select program.


What does this mean you ask?

First:  If you are a Kindle owner, you can now read PN via the Kindle Lending Library.  Do it!  Check it out!

Second:  Due to the rules of Select, PN is no longer available via Nook.

This was the hardest part of the decision for me.  I love having my book available to any reader possible, and taking it off Nook was like ripping off a band aid.  I finally decided it was worth the try.  If all doesn't go great, I can always go back.

So, if you are a Nook reader... Use a Kindle app.  Or just get a good old paper copy.  *smiles*

And Third:  In celebration of this new change to PN...

Starting this Friday, March 23rd, Prison Nation will be free for a limited  3 day period on Kindle.  
Yes, free.
From the 23rd to the 25th, hop on over to your Kindle store and download a free copy of Prison Nation.  This is only a 3 day promotion, so don't miss it.  

Spread the word!


Keary Taylor said…
Oo, this is very exciting! I can't wait to hear how it goes for you, though I do think you made a smart move!

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