WIP Day - Lending and Snapping Away

Today's post will be a short one.
It's one of those days.  You know?

1. PN is now part of the Kindle Lending Library.  If you have a Kindle, you can now "borrow" it for a good read.  *cheers...*

2.  In celebration of PN now being a part of the Kindle Select Program, it will be available for a free download this weekend.  That's right.  Friday through Sunday you will be able to get a free copy of PN all for yourself.  Spread the word!

Now here is a question:  
Would you, my awesome readers, be interested at all in me posting short writing prompts every so often on here?  Share more of my writing?

I used to on my old blog, but didn't bring it over when I started this bad boy up.  Now I am missing it.  I want to know what you think.

So... tell me!

Totally not writing related...
I finally am working on my photography website.  The portfolios are slowly appearing, the blog is making its way to fully existing, and I am having fun.  What with two weddings on the horizon, along with hopefully even more shoots in the future, I figured it was about time to get that site in gear.  It is still majorly under construction, but it is getting there!

Have a moment?  Check it out!

A self portrait.  Of me.  Because I always shoot with my camera on my head...

Like I said, short post for today.  Now I am off to be mommy.  Work a bit more on my site.  Prepare to beta read for the awesome Keary Taylor (I have to say: Pretty excited to read this completely new story of hers!  Check out its page on Goodreads) And of course... write.

Happy Writing!


Anonymous said…
If you really want to be doing writing tips and prompts again, I say you should definitely keep on with it! Sounds like a lot of fun!
Unknown said…
Hi Jenni, your novel sounds really interesting and I'm going to download it this weekend! I just put my first book, Provex City, on Kindle a week ago. I also debated greatly about the KDP Select, and decided to give it a shot, too. Now for your question in this post, I like the writing prompt idea. It could lead to some great follower participation, which makes blogging not so lonely. I wish you great luck on your promotional weekend! :)
Yay for putting your book on Kindle Select :D Not that I need it :P And free? I should send a link to a friend who's broke... and who I haven't loaned my paper copy to yet :P And yay for all the photograph stuff!

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