WIP Day - NaNoWriMo Week 3

I know.  Today's update is a late one.  It is currently 11 pm here, and I am just finishing my writing for the night.  I wanted to update earlier, but my writing was taking up all my time.  That, and prep for Thanksgiving.
mmmm home made cranberry sauce...
Cider and LJ. It was a good night.

This will be a super quick update, being as my fingers are barely working anymore tonight.  This last week was super slow.  I will admit: I even went for a few days without writing a single word.
Gasp worthy.

I hated that I let that happen.  My writing is coming so much slower this year.  I feel so out of shape with it all, and it is showing.  I have been very distractable, and have watched too much Netflix TV series as my distractions from writing.  Oh Netflix, why?

Then I got that awesome message from one of my readers.  And it lit the fire up nice and hot.  I was reminded that I am not only doing this to drive myself insane.  I am doing it to share this world I created with others.

And I wrote.

Tonight marks the end of Week 3.  I wrote over 3k words today.  I caught up with the required word count amount and even passed it a bit.  I think I have earned myself some reading and relaxing before bed.

Current Word Count:

And just because I love to tease you all, here is a little snippet from Lady Justice:

"I didn't want to see the look in his eyes, the panic on his face. I didn't want to see the empty space where he should be standing. I didn't like this idea any more than he did. But as of yet, we had no other plans. We only had a dream that was getting us nowhere. Now, we had something. I couldn't let us lose it." - Millie, Lady Justice

Happy Writing!


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