WIP Day - Moving

Have you wondered why in the last few weeks my posts have been sporadic and lacking?
Well, aside from normal every day to day distractions, there is a good reason.

My family is moving.

We made the commitment a few weeks back.  And in two weeks we will be leaving Oregon and heading back to Washington State.  We are very excited for the move.  I cannot wait to see my hubby do a job he loves once again.  To raise my kids in the same town I grew up in.  To be able to drive to the beach whenever I feel the urge, relish in the small town life, and honestly... start over.

We have loved it here in Oregon.  We really did.

In this very apartment even.
This apartment is where brought home our second son.  It is where I committed to my first ever NaNoWriMo and won.  It is where I wrote three other books.  Where I published PN and became the author I always dreamed I would be.  It is where I grew this blog and blossomed in my photography.  I have made friends here.  I have grown here.  And boy, I will miss here.

But we are ready to move.

The island is where I grew up.  And where I feel most inspired.  It is a place that embraces the arts.  While I have learned a ton and loved a ton about living so close to the city, I never stopped being an islander.  That just doesn't leave you.  (And not to mention, I get to live closer to my awesome writing buddy and fellow indie author Keary Taylor.  Are you ready for this, Keary?)

That being said: I am trying my hardest to not let this affect the edit of LJ.  My beta readers are still being busy bees, reading away for me.  This weekend I officially start the paper edit.  I will no doubt have to take a little time off to adjust to the move.  But I will still be here.  Editing.  Blogging.  And working hard to get this sequel out by the end of this coming summer.

Be patient with me.  These are big changes.  But they are good.

Now, back I go to packing!
(By the way: About 13 big boxes of books isn't bordering on obsession, is it?)


Keary Taylor said…
Oh, I am SO ready for this! There is much writer mama madness about to go down!

And btw, I TOTALLY had a Lady Justice dream last night. Don't remember any details, but Millie, Reed, Rune, and Dee were for sure in it, LOL! Half way through!

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